They say you only live once and, short of reincarnation and cryogenic preservation, they were probably right. You are born once and as such, you will live once. There are no refunds, reset buttons or cheat codes for infinite life. This isn’t a video game. You get what you’re given and you deal with it.
And I suppose you would think that since you only live once, you can only die once. But of course that’s not true. You can die a hundred times before actually being pronounced dead. A thousand times if you’re dedicated enough to screwing up.
Okay, so you cannot survive a hundred shots to the head, or a hundred lightning strikes. Face it, no one can. Alright, fine, maybe some people can, but technically the cheerleader from Heroes doesn’t count.
You will die numerous times before your body dies. Probably not physically as you can truly only have one physical death, but every time you choose to exist instead of living, you die inside.
Yes, your heart will continue its incessant pumping like the good little heart it was brought up to be and yes, your body will continue to function but something else inside dies.
So yes, you will die once (physically) and few more times before that and yet, still only live once. Hardly seems fair, does it? It seems Fate doesn’t like being fair or was just never good at math. In any case, it doesn’t matter.
We live once so just live!
Forget your inhibitions and let go of your reservations. There's more to life than studying and getting that dream job. There is happiness, food, music, art, sports, family, friends... The list goes on forever. I'm not saying we shouldn't work hard in school, cause that's really isn't my point here. I'm saying we shouldn't have to work like its the only thing we're living for. Life has got to be more than that.
Perish all thought and embrace all imperfection.
And live, cause I don't want to grow up just existing.
p.s I still want to eat a pomegranate ._.