Happy belated Birthday to Christopher Lau Hui Chuan!
This post is in BLUE font because Chris L here is in BLUE house.
Anyway, I had spare time to edit 2 pictures of you so ENJOY!!
The WTF part was ironic LOL. Anyhoo...it stands for World Taekwondo Federation and not the other things in your twisted little minds reading this.
Here's a picture of Chris during the Moral field trip earlier this year.(Bonus picture of James in the background.Wouldn't be right to edit him out cuz they're buddies4Life.)
*Chris, remember primary 3 field trip when we visited the Sarawak Cheshire Home? You still look the same just that you wear glasses now! =P *
Fun Facts about Chris.
He was a shy and QUIET boy in Primary 1-4.Eventually grew out of it in primary 5.(Tsk,tsk)
Escaped religious classes with us in primary 4. (LOL.You have to remember this one.)
Had cool high leveled Pokemons in his Gameboy (Crystal version if i'm not mistaken) *My Silver version Lugia kicked ass =p.But you had Suicune long before I caught it in my Silver version >.< *
Told me his DAD was BATMAN in primary 1.(Thanks for making a few of us believe that!!You remember Sean right?He kept saying its not true but Jeffrey and I believed you anyway.Good friends ey? =)
Was my classmate from Tahun 1.1 till Tingkatan 3B.
Ate the living daylights of my Chips More with Ignatius in Primary 2.(I couldn't finish the packet myself,heck I was 8 yrs old and so were they.But they consumed it all anyway.Woah.)
That's all for now folks.
Chris, hope you really enjoyed your BIRTHDAY.You know you deserved it.
Now go look at primary 3.1 class photo!! Its cute! Hahahah.